Weather in Chennai | weather in chennai for next 5 days

Current weather in Chennai

Chennai has a tropical wet and dry climate, with a long, hot, and humid summer and a short, cool, and dry winter. The average temperature ranges from 71°F to 98°F, and the average humidity is around 70%. The wet season runs from October to May, with the most rain falling in November and December.

Current weather in chennai
Weather in Chennai for next 5 days

Temperature: The average temperature in Chennai ranges from 71°F to 98°F. The coolest months are December and January, when the average temperature is around 71°F. The warmest months are April and May, when the average temperature is around 98°F.

Humidity: The average humidity in Chennai is around 70%. The most humid months are May and June, when the humidity can reach 80% or more. The least humid months are December and January, when the humidity can drop to 50% or less.

Rainfall: Chennai receives an average of 1,000 mm of rain per year. The wettest months are November and December, when the city receives an average of 200 mm of rain per month. The driest months are June and July, when the city receives an average of 10 mm of rain per month.

The climate in Chennai can be challenging for some people, especially those who are not used to the heat and humidity. However, the city also has many charms, including its beautiful beaches, its rich history and culture, and its friendly people.

The wind direction in Chennai varies throughout the year. The wind is most often from the south during the summer months, from March to June. The wind is most often from the west during the monsoon season, from June to September. The wind is most often from the east during the winter months, from October to March.

The wind direction in Chennai can affect the weather in the city. The southerly winds during the summer months can bring hot and humid air from the Arabian Sea. The westerly winds during the monsoon season can bring heavy rains and flooding. The easterly winds during the winter months can bring cooler and drier air from the Bay of Bengal.

The wind direction in Chennai can also affect the city's economy. The southerly winds during the summer months can help to bring tourists to the city. The westerly winds during the monsoon season can disrupt shipping and transportation. The easterly winds during the winter months can help to improve air quality in the city.

Summer: The summer months in Chennai are hot and humid. The average temperature ranges from 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit) to 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). The humidity is high, averaging around 75%.

Monsoon: The monsoon season in Chennai is from June to September. The city receives an average of 1,000 mm (39 inches) of rain during this time. The rains can be heavy and can cause flooding.

Winter: The winter months in Chennai are cooler and drier. The average temperature ranges from 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) to 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit). The humidity is lower, averaging around 65%.

The best time to visit Chennai is during the winter months, from October to February. The weather is cooler and drier during this time, and there is less rain.


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