Current Weather in Kolkata

Current Weather in Kolkata
Kolkata has a tropical wet and dry climate (Köppen climate classification Aw). Rains brought by the Bay of Bengal branch of South-West monsoon lash the city between June and September and supplies the city with most of its annual rainfall of 1,836.5 mm (72.30 inches).

January: The weather in Kolkata is pleasant in January, with average temperatures ranging from 18 °C to 26 °C (64 °F to 79 °F). The days are sunny and clear, and the nights are cool and dry.

February: The weather in Kolkata is similar to January, with average temperatures ranging from 19 °C to 27 °C (66 °F to 81 °F). The days are sunny and clear, and the nights are cool and dry.

March: The weather in Kolkata starts to warm up in March, with average temperatures ranging from 21 °C to 29 °C (70 °F to 84 °F). The days are sunny and clear, and the nights are warm and humid.

April: The weather in Kolkata is hot and humid in April, with average temperatures ranging from 25 °C to 33 °C (77 °F to 91 °F). The days are sunny and clear, and the nights are hot and muggy.

May: The weather in Kolkata is extremely hot and humid in May, with average temperatures ranging from 29 °C to 37 °C (84 °F to 99 °F). The days are sunny and clear, and the nights are hot and muggy.

June: The monsoon season begins in June, and the weather in Kolkata becomes wet and humid. The average rainfall for June is 250 mm (9.84 inches), and the days are cloudy and overcast.

July: The monsoon season is at its peak in July, and the weather in Kolkata is very wet and humid. The average rainfall for July is 350 mm (13.78 inches), and the days are cloudy and overcast.

August: The monsoon season starts to taper off in August, and the weather in Kolkata becomes less wet and humid. The average rainfall for August is 250 mm (9.84 inches), and the days are cloudy and overcast.

September: The monsoon season ends in September, and the weather in Kolkata becomes dry and sunny. The average rainfall for September is 100 mm (3.94 inches), and the days are sunny and clear.

October: The weather in Kolkata is pleasant in October, with average temperatures ranging from 22 °C to 30 °C (72 °F to 86 °F). The days are sunny and clear, and the nights are cool and dry.

November: The weather in Kolkata is similar to October, with average temperatures ranging from 21 °C to 29 °C (70 °F to 84 °F). The days are sunny and clear, and the nights are cool and dry.

December: The weather in Kolkata is cool and dry in December, with average temperatures ranging from 18 °C to 26 °C (64 °F to 79 °F). The days are sunny and clear, and the nights are cold and dry.

The best time to visit Kolkata is during the winter months, from October to February. The weather is pleasant and dry during this time, with average temperatures ranging from 18 °C to 26 °C (64 °F to 79 °F). The days are sunny and clear, and the nights are cool and dry. This is also the time for many festivals in Kolkata, such as Durga Puja, Kali Puja, and Lakshmi Puja.

If you are planning to visit Kolkata during the summer months, from March to May, be prepared for hot and humid weather. The average temperatures during this time range from 25 °C to 33 °C (77 °F to 91 °F). The days are sunny and clear, and the nights are hot and muggy.

The monsoon season in Kolkata runs from June to September. The weather is wet and humid during this time, with average rainfall ranging from 1,836.5 mm (72.30 inches). The days are cloudy and overcast, and there is a risk of flooding.

The wind in Kolkata is typically light and variable, with average wind speeds ranging from 10 to 15 kilometers per hour (6 to 9 miles per hour). The wind direction is also variable, but it generally blows from the southwest during the summer and from the northeast during the winter.


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