Current Weather In Himachal | Weather in Himachal Pradesh for next 5 days

Temperature in Himachal Pradesh varies greatly throughout the year. The coldest months are January and February, when the average temperature is around 3.6°C. The hottest months are July and August, when the average temperature is around 29.7°C.

Current weather in Himachal Pradesh
Weather in Himachal Pradesh for next 5 days

weather in Himachal Pradesh throughout the year

Winter (November to February)

The winter season in Himachal Pradesh is cold and dry. The average temperature ranges from 0°C to 15°C, and it can get even colder in the higher altitudes. Snowfall is common in the mountains, and some areas may be inaccessible during this time.

Spring (March to May)

The spring season is a time of transition in Himachal Pradesh. The days get warmer, and the snow starts to melt. The average temperature ranges from 15°C to 25°C. This is a popular time to visit the state, as the weather is pleasant and there are fewer tourists.

Summer (June to September)

The summer season is hot and humid in Himachal Pradesh. The average temperature ranges from 25°C to 35°C. This is the wettest time of year, as the monsoon rains bring heavy rainfall to the state.

Monsoon (July to September)

The monsoon season is a time of heavy rainfall in Himachal Pradesh. The average rainfall ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 mm. This is a good time to visit if you are interested in seeing the lush green mountains and valleys. However, it is important to be aware of the potential for landslides and flooding during this time.

Autumn (October to November)

The autumn season is a pleasant time to visit Himachal Pradesh. The weather is cool and dry, and the leaves start to change color. The average temperature ranges from 15°C to 25°C.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about the climate in Himachal Pradesh:

The monsoon season runs from July to September. During this time, there is a lot of rainfall, so you may want to avoid visiting if you are not a fan of wet weather.

The elevation of Himachal Pradesh varies greatly, so the temperature can change significantly even within a short distance. For example, the average temperature in Shimla is around 18°C, while the average temperature in Manali is around 12°C.

The climate in Himachal Pradesh is also affected by the Western Disturbances, which are storms that bring rain and snow to the region. These storms can occur at any time of year, but they are more common during the winter months.

Himachal Pradesh is a state in India that is known for its lush green mountains and valleys. The state receives a lot of rainfall, especially during the monsoon season.

The average annual rainfall in Himachal Pradesh is around 2,000 mm. However, the amount of rainfall varies greatly depending on the location. The western part of the state receives the most rainfall, while the eastern part receives the least.

The monsoon season in Himachal Pradesh runs from July to September. During this time, the state receives the majority of its annual rainfall. The average rainfall during the monsoon season is around 1,500 mm.

The wind in Himachal Pradesh can be strong and gusty, especially in the mountains. The average wind speed in the state is around 10-15 kilometers per hour, but it can reach up to 50 kilometers per hour during storms.

The wind in Himachal Pradesh is caused by the difference in temperature between the mountains and the plains. The mountains are cooler than the plains, so the air from the mountains flows down to the plains, creating wind.

The best time to visit Himachal Pradesh depends on what you are looking for in a vacation. If you want to avoid the coldest weather, you should visit during the summer months (June-September). If you are interested in winter sports, you should visit during the winter months (December-February).


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